Gah! An old fashion nightmare!
Blog 062807
My kitten is terrified of the sound my harmonica makes. She literally heads fr the hills if I blow notes or just sounds. LOL! The cat can run fast when she needs to.
Okay, since I sleep during the day I guess it would be a daymare. It doesn't help that the c5-a Galaxy Transports were flying overhead. They are stationed at the Air Force base nearby and are extremely loud. I had a dream and then a good ole fashion nightmare.So in this dream it started out a wee bit creepy. There was a large field dotted with some trees surrounded by thick woods. On one side was raised ground that was flattened out. It was for a railroad. There was one that stopped about halfway along the field.
This field was quite large as people on the far side were like one to two inches tall in the distance. It had roads going through the field and it would take a car doing 20 mph about 20 seconds, maybe more to cross it. The field also felt like a video game grid in that there was either nothing beyond the surrounding trees. Space simply didn’t exist outside of the field and the mountain surrounding it on two sides.
People I knew where in this dream and the field. I think it was my family but I can’t really recall. I know my cousin Sue was there and her husband later on. I was driving my car across the field if I remember correctly. The railroad tracks actually used steam engines so the time period sort of felt like the 1930’s or something. And it was me the whole dream not my free floating camera nor was it a lucid dream.The sun was going down and I headed to the small railroad bridge. Some of my family was there and a guy from work had an 18 wheeler he was driving stall out in the middle of the rails. I saw a car come around the far end of the railroad bed that didn't have any rails. I went to the corner and went around it. For whatever reason, I couldn't see past the corner. This is where the field and thin amount of trees that corralled the field just ended. There was no space as we know past them. But then my mind seems to add things past this area as I approach it. I think it was all woods. I get around the corner and there are a couple of houses there starting the edge of a town. I was standing above the houses in the dark. The best way I can describe it is essentially like an unfinished foundation for a house. You have the flat ground, then a concrete support wall around the basement. And then yet have the dug out part that would be the basement. The houses were in the basement part. Or I guess you could call it a square valley surrounded by mountains.
It was nighttime and one of the houses was totally unlit. They were newer houses of my era not set in the 1930’s or anything.I started to slowly head down to the houses and was getting close when a light came on or something. It was Jill, a co-worker of mine. She was dressed in sort of a silk red dress like one would wear to a cocktail party. It was tight around the torso and sleeveless but was a flowing or at least spacious skirt from the waist down. It ended around mid-calf. Actually, she looked quite gorgeous with her hair up.
So Jill has comes around the corner and discovered me in the yard of one of the houses. The first house is all dark but the second houses has lights on including a bedroom that has a red light on behind a shade. Jill mentions she got all dressed up including wearing heels despite all the grass, woods, and outdoors. I was upset or scared because of possibly being discovered. Jill also had a pair of small wings that she had under her arm that where sort of sky blue that she could put on. Somehow I knew she had known about this sort of hidden town and that she was visiting a young girl behind the shade with the red light. She was pretending to be a fairy godmother or something. And then another co-worker, Tony, arrived. I can't recall what else happened. I think I woke up. So that was the creepy part. The nightmare part was that I was back by the original train bridge but instead of field and woods, everything as like a closely packed toy store. The mountains were high walls marking the outside walls of the store and all the trees had become tightly packed aisles over flowing with toys. I was now a priest or something and there was the girl from The Exorcist there possessed by the devil. I knew I had to work on exorcising the devil out of her and it scared me because I was alone. I also didn’t know what to do. But I knew if I kept trying something would happen. The elderly priest from the movie, Father Maren, eventually showed up as I had started to try and exorcise the devil out of the girl. I was using a commanding loud voice invoking the name of Jesus Christ and God to try and exorcise the devil. This was really instense and scary for me. Really, it was all the tension and what could happen rather than actual pain or whatever. The girl could walk on walls and at one point her skin was all mold gray and yellow eyes. The scariest thing for me was when other people (store patrons?) started running away and the girl came out dressed in doll's clothes that was a life sized doll. She may have been the doll actually. Her eyes were all red and she had thick somewhat dried streams of blood down the center of her eyes. She spoke in a weird sort of little girl voice that sounded badly recorded. It was really, REALLY creepy and probably the scariest part of the dream.The priest and I, mainly me, kept trying to use the power of God to exorcise the Satan but it never worker. It even became Christmas Day at one point. We felt Satan would be kicked out that day at some point and then I woke up. I was rather tense and somewhat scared. I had a lot of trouble getting back to sleep. And I wasn't sure I wanted to because I often dream about the same things again as if I'm just continuing the dream.Brrrrr....! It's been a long time since I've been that rattled.This past weekend my friend Wendy and her family showed up for a visit. They were visiting family in the area and were able to take time to visit me. It helped that the place they stayed for the previous night was only 15 minutes away. It was the first time I had seen her in person in eight years. Yipes! EIGHT YEARS. I was stunned that it was that long. But since we e-mail each other regularly and are good friends it was like she had never moved. I think the only difference I could tell was that she had stopped coloring her hair. Wendy (hi, Wendy!) looked to me like she had just left. That’s not a bad feat after a period of eight years.
Her son cut a loud fart that was a bit more than a fart. Wendy investigated by sniffing his butt. Eww! Gross! I was pretty shocked by that maneuver. A few minutes later as things were working out whether pooh was involved Wendy just grabbed the back of his shorts and took a look down the old back alley. I turned away at this point letting it be a somewhat private family matter that I didn’t need to see. David, her husband, was recruited to do the changing honors although I was handed the bag of gross to dispose of afterwards. Her son Gavin loved Weebee my kitten. It was kind of fun watching them play. He would chase Weebee behind the couch and then he would run away. Weebee would run back out and freeze and then run back behind the couch as soon as he chased her. I never got the feeling that Weebee was scared but more playing a game of cat and mouse pardon the pun. They did this like four or five times before they took it to the kitchen before things were broken up.
It was a very enjoyable time and I’m very happy they made both the effort and time to see me. Now it’ll probably be another 5 to 8 years before I see them in person again.
I have all the pages of the comic scanned and pieced together and cleaned up ready for grayscaling. I tried to do three pages a day which was a bit because I usually had to scan the pages in three pieces to get the whole page. I have an 8 ½ x 11 scanner and the pages have an image area of 10 inches by 15 inches. Then you have to line them up which isn’t always as easy as you would think. There was lots of the eraser tool being used and the move tool in addition to tweaking and extra ‘copy and paste’ to get things right.
I also somehow goofed in my head. I thought I only had 22 pages of art when I really had 23. Previously I thought I might have 2 pages of poems but 23 pages of art prevents that. But that’s okay in my eyes. Now I can start grayscaling. Sometimes its fun but sometimes it’s a lot of work to. It is more enjoyable that piecing scans together and cleaning them up though.
I noticed something at work today. Former crush has man hands. Well, they looked pretty manly to me. I was kind of turned off by them. Other than that, former crush is still extremely cute.
The other week I encountered a nutjob driver. He passed me on the right side of the road with on coming traffic in the other lane. While the road in question is rather wide with and emergency lane it was still unsettling to have someone pass you doing 50 mph or more at 10:45pm on the right hand side in the middle of darkness. I had thought those headlights in my mirror were getting really close!
So I was still fairly shocked at this when I could see us approaching the highway four way intersection coming up. I wondered if this guy was going to do what I suspected and he did. The light was clearly red for our lane. He drove into the left turn only lane and then turned right and entered the highway on ramp.
I do wonder about people that drive like this. Was he a doctor or have someone just admitted to a hospital in an emergency? Did he have a good reason for driving like this? Probably not. He was probably just and impatience asshole. My question for people that drive like this is what are you going to say to my family if you kill me? Sorry? I was in a hurry just ‘because’? And it’s people that drive like assholes that always seem to survive the crash and leave others injured or worse.
I had to laugh at my co-worker last night. He’s a big dude that thinks he’s hot shit. Usually he’s alright but he’s always got a counter story for everything anyone says. So he comes over to the area a bunch of us are working and he has his water bottle sort of on his right pocket vaguely near his groin. There are a couple of wet spots because of this on his pants. He also had the water bottle base against his leg so it stuck out like a certain male appendage when aroused. So another hot shit co-worker starts in on him on this and basically just made total fun of big ass hot shit. So big ass hot shit gets out-dueled in being made fun of and walks off. Later he comes back and brings the situation back up trying to make it sound like second hot shit was focused on big ass hot shit’s penis emotionally or something. But I guess big ass hot shit couldn’t fathom that he had been trumped in the making fun of department and started sounding like he was getting mad. I know he’d deny it but his tone and the fact that he came back over and reintroduced the conversion after it had been dropped for more than 5 to 10 minutes tells me otherwise.
The reason I call big ass hot shit big ass hot shit is because he’s 30 but talks like he’s experienced just about everything in life. He’s been this and that, worked here and there, had this girl and that girl, knows someone that has done this or that. What I’m getting from all this is that he lives at home, can’t hold a job very long, and is somewhat immature about a lot of things. I could be being too harsh though. Like I said, he’s not a bad guy overall, just kind of a hot shit know-it-all.
Former crush has missed back to back Fridays or at least left early last Friday. It’ll be interesting to see if she makes it 3 for 3. It might be a legit thing though because we have inventory tonight which can be dreadfully boring.
I’m also expecting another round of lay-off’s at our plant. Right now, our room called “Custom’ has only 7 out of 12 machines running. It could probably be dropped down easily to 5 or 6 machines. A bunch of us, sometimes 6 at a time, are doing various tasks like packing and cleaning. It seems things have really slowed down. Where we were doing orders the night before they were due we are now doing orders that aren’t due until 6 to 8 days down the road. There are also rumors of lay-off’s occurring. It’s going to happen because it does every year. It could happen a lot earlier this year though. I may or may not get caught in the lay-off. It all depends how they choose if it does occur. Should it be strictly by senority rules across all shifts I could be in trouble. If it is like a couple of people per shift I should be fine as I’m in the middle for company time on my shift. I would think it would happen pretty quick though like maybe as soon as next week. A couple of weeks off in the middle of summer could be pretty awesome though. J
I blew $40 the other day. It was the week I get to keep a chunk of my paycheck instead of paying bills so I bought a bunch of things called Heroclix. The new set just came out and I went early to the comic shop to buy them and help the guys ‘pull books’ which is filling customer orders. I like the new additions where a lot of times I don’t. I didn’t get the figure I wanted the most but I should be able to trade for it. But now it’s back to three weeks of paychecks paying my monthly bills. Sigh.
I’ve risen from 10 out of 10 to 8 out of 10 in my fantasy baseball league. That happened in one week. Right ow I’m playing my buddy who’s both the league commissioner and in first place. He’s ahead of my but like 60 categories wins which is a whole helluva lot. I am currently winning 10 – 2 out of 14 categories and we are tied in 2. I hope to really put the boots to him but all the categories are really close so I could just as easily be 2-10-2 after Sunday. That would suck. I lost a bunch of categories last Sunday to fall from roughly 10-4 to a 7-6-1 ‘win’. But a win is a win.
Okay, this blog is HUGE. I’m done.
My kitten is terrified of the sound my harmonica makes. She literally heads fr the hills if I blow notes or just sounds. LOL! The cat can run fast when she needs to.
Okay, since I sleep during the day I guess it would be a daymare. It doesn't help that the c5-a Galaxy Transports were flying overhead. They are stationed at the Air Force base nearby and are extremely loud. I had a dream and then a good ole fashion nightmare.So in this dream it started out a wee bit creepy. There was a large field dotted with some trees surrounded by thick woods. On one side was raised ground that was flattened out. It was for a railroad. There was one that stopped about halfway along the field.
This field was quite large as people on the far side were like one to two inches tall in the distance. It had roads going through the field and it would take a car doing 20 mph about 20 seconds, maybe more to cross it. The field also felt like a video game grid in that there was either nothing beyond the surrounding trees. Space simply didn’t exist outside of the field and the mountain surrounding it on two sides.
People I knew where in this dream and the field. I think it was my family but I can’t really recall. I know my cousin Sue was there and her husband later on. I was driving my car across the field if I remember correctly. The railroad tracks actually used steam engines so the time period sort of felt like the 1930’s or something. And it was me the whole dream not my free floating camera nor was it a lucid dream.The sun was going down and I headed to the small railroad bridge. Some of my family was there and a guy from work had an 18 wheeler he was driving stall out in the middle of the rails. I saw a car come around the far end of the railroad bed that didn't have any rails. I went to the corner and went around it. For whatever reason, I couldn't see past the corner. This is where the field and thin amount of trees that corralled the field just ended. There was no space as we know past them. But then my mind seems to add things past this area as I approach it. I think it was all woods. I get around the corner and there are a couple of houses there starting the edge of a town. I was standing above the houses in the dark. The best way I can describe it is essentially like an unfinished foundation for a house. You have the flat ground, then a concrete support wall around the basement. And then yet have the dug out part that would be the basement. The houses were in the basement part. Or I guess you could call it a square valley surrounded by mountains.
It was nighttime and one of the houses was totally unlit. They were newer houses of my era not set in the 1930’s or anything.I started to slowly head down to the houses and was getting close when a light came on or something. It was Jill, a co-worker of mine. She was dressed in sort of a silk red dress like one would wear to a cocktail party. It was tight around the torso and sleeveless but was a flowing or at least spacious skirt from the waist down. It ended around mid-calf. Actually, she looked quite gorgeous with her hair up.
So Jill has comes around the corner and discovered me in the yard of one of the houses. The first house is all dark but the second houses has lights on including a bedroom that has a red light on behind a shade. Jill mentions she got all dressed up including wearing heels despite all the grass, woods, and outdoors. I was upset or scared because of possibly being discovered. Jill also had a pair of small wings that she had under her arm that where sort of sky blue that she could put on. Somehow I knew she had known about this sort of hidden town and that she was visiting a young girl behind the shade with the red light. She was pretending to be a fairy godmother or something. And then another co-worker, Tony, arrived. I can't recall what else happened. I think I woke up. So that was the creepy part. The nightmare part was that I was back by the original train bridge but instead of field and woods, everything as like a closely packed toy store. The mountains were high walls marking the outside walls of the store and all the trees had become tightly packed aisles over flowing with toys. I was now a priest or something and there was the girl from The Exorcist there possessed by the devil. I knew I had to work on exorcising the devil out of her and it scared me because I was alone. I also didn’t know what to do. But I knew if I kept trying something would happen. The elderly priest from the movie, Father Maren, eventually showed up as I had started to try and exorcise the devil out of the girl. I was using a commanding loud voice invoking the name of Jesus Christ and God to try and exorcise the devil. This was really instense and scary for me. Really, it was all the tension and what could happen rather than actual pain or whatever. The girl could walk on walls and at one point her skin was all mold gray and yellow eyes. The scariest thing for me was when other people (store patrons?) started running away and the girl came out dressed in doll's clothes that was a life sized doll. She may have been the doll actually. Her eyes were all red and she had thick somewhat dried streams of blood down the center of her eyes. She spoke in a weird sort of little girl voice that sounded badly recorded. It was really, REALLY creepy and probably the scariest part of the dream.The priest and I, mainly me, kept trying to use the power of God to exorcise the Satan but it never worker. It even became Christmas Day at one point. We felt Satan would be kicked out that day at some point and then I woke up. I was rather tense and somewhat scared. I had a lot of trouble getting back to sleep. And I wasn't sure I wanted to because I often dream about the same things again as if I'm just continuing the dream.Brrrrr....! It's been a long time since I've been that rattled.This past weekend my friend Wendy and her family showed up for a visit. They were visiting family in the area and were able to take time to visit me. It helped that the place they stayed for the previous night was only 15 minutes away. It was the first time I had seen her in person in eight years. Yipes! EIGHT YEARS. I was stunned that it was that long. But since we e-mail each other regularly and are good friends it was like she had never moved. I think the only difference I could tell was that she had stopped coloring her hair. Wendy (hi, Wendy!) looked to me like she had just left. That’s not a bad feat after a period of eight years.
Her son cut a loud fart that was a bit more than a fart. Wendy investigated by sniffing his butt. Eww! Gross! I was pretty shocked by that maneuver. A few minutes later as things were working out whether pooh was involved Wendy just grabbed the back of his shorts and took a look down the old back alley. I turned away at this point letting it be a somewhat private family matter that I didn’t need to see. David, her husband, was recruited to do the changing honors although I was handed the bag of gross to dispose of afterwards. Her son Gavin loved Weebee my kitten. It was kind of fun watching them play. He would chase Weebee behind the couch and then he would run away. Weebee would run back out and freeze and then run back behind the couch as soon as he chased her. I never got the feeling that Weebee was scared but more playing a game of cat and mouse pardon the pun. They did this like four or five times before they took it to the kitchen before things were broken up.
It was a very enjoyable time and I’m very happy they made both the effort and time to see me. Now it’ll probably be another 5 to 8 years before I see them in person again.
I have all the pages of the comic scanned and pieced together and cleaned up ready for grayscaling. I tried to do three pages a day which was a bit because I usually had to scan the pages in three pieces to get the whole page. I have an 8 ½ x 11 scanner and the pages have an image area of 10 inches by 15 inches. Then you have to line them up which isn’t always as easy as you would think. There was lots of the eraser tool being used and the move tool in addition to tweaking and extra ‘copy and paste’ to get things right.
I also somehow goofed in my head. I thought I only had 22 pages of art when I really had 23. Previously I thought I might have 2 pages of poems but 23 pages of art prevents that. But that’s okay in my eyes. Now I can start grayscaling. Sometimes its fun but sometimes it’s a lot of work to. It is more enjoyable that piecing scans together and cleaning them up though.
I noticed something at work today. Former crush has man hands. Well, they looked pretty manly to me. I was kind of turned off by them. Other than that, former crush is still extremely cute.
The other week I encountered a nutjob driver. He passed me on the right side of the road with on coming traffic in the other lane. While the road in question is rather wide with and emergency lane it was still unsettling to have someone pass you doing 50 mph or more at 10:45pm on the right hand side in the middle of darkness. I had thought those headlights in my mirror were getting really close!
So I was still fairly shocked at this when I could see us approaching the highway four way intersection coming up. I wondered if this guy was going to do what I suspected and he did. The light was clearly red for our lane. He drove into the left turn only lane and then turned right and entered the highway on ramp.
I do wonder about people that drive like this. Was he a doctor or have someone just admitted to a hospital in an emergency? Did he have a good reason for driving like this? Probably not. He was probably just and impatience asshole. My question for people that drive like this is what are you going to say to my family if you kill me? Sorry? I was in a hurry just ‘because’? And it’s people that drive like assholes that always seem to survive the crash and leave others injured or worse.
I had to laugh at my co-worker last night. He’s a big dude that thinks he’s hot shit. Usually he’s alright but he’s always got a counter story for everything anyone says. So he comes over to the area a bunch of us are working and he has his water bottle sort of on his right pocket vaguely near his groin. There are a couple of wet spots because of this on his pants. He also had the water bottle base against his leg so it stuck out like a certain male appendage when aroused. So another hot shit co-worker starts in on him on this and basically just made total fun of big ass hot shit. So big ass hot shit gets out-dueled in being made fun of and walks off. Later he comes back and brings the situation back up trying to make it sound like second hot shit was focused on big ass hot shit’s penis emotionally or something. But I guess big ass hot shit couldn’t fathom that he had been trumped in the making fun of department and started sounding like he was getting mad. I know he’d deny it but his tone and the fact that he came back over and reintroduced the conversion after it had been dropped for more than 5 to 10 minutes tells me otherwise.
The reason I call big ass hot shit big ass hot shit is because he’s 30 but talks like he’s experienced just about everything in life. He’s been this and that, worked here and there, had this girl and that girl, knows someone that has done this or that. What I’m getting from all this is that he lives at home, can’t hold a job very long, and is somewhat immature about a lot of things. I could be being too harsh though. Like I said, he’s not a bad guy overall, just kind of a hot shit know-it-all.
Former crush has missed back to back Fridays or at least left early last Friday. It’ll be interesting to see if she makes it 3 for 3. It might be a legit thing though because we have inventory tonight which can be dreadfully boring.
I’m also expecting another round of lay-off’s at our plant. Right now, our room called “Custom’ has only 7 out of 12 machines running. It could probably be dropped down easily to 5 or 6 machines. A bunch of us, sometimes 6 at a time, are doing various tasks like packing and cleaning. It seems things have really slowed down. Where we were doing orders the night before they were due we are now doing orders that aren’t due until 6 to 8 days down the road. There are also rumors of lay-off’s occurring. It’s going to happen because it does every year. It could happen a lot earlier this year though. I may or may not get caught in the lay-off. It all depends how they choose if it does occur. Should it be strictly by senority rules across all shifts I could be in trouble. If it is like a couple of people per shift I should be fine as I’m in the middle for company time on my shift. I would think it would happen pretty quick though like maybe as soon as next week. A couple of weeks off in the middle of summer could be pretty awesome though. J
I blew $40 the other day. It was the week I get to keep a chunk of my paycheck instead of paying bills so I bought a bunch of things called Heroclix. The new set just came out and I went early to the comic shop to buy them and help the guys ‘pull books’ which is filling customer orders. I like the new additions where a lot of times I don’t. I didn’t get the figure I wanted the most but I should be able to trade for it. But now it’s back to three weeks of paychecks paying my monthly bills. Sigh.
I’ve risen from 10 out of 10 to 8 out of 10 in my fantasy baseball league. That happened in one week. Right ow I’m playing my buddy who’s both the league commissioner and in first place. He’s ahead of my but like 60 categories wins which is a whole helluva lot. I am currently winning 10 – 2 out of 14 categories and we are tied in 2. I hope to really put the boots to him but all the categories are really close so I could just as easily be 2-10-2 after Sunday. That would suck. I lost a bunch of categories last Sunday to fall from roughly 10-4 to a 7-6-1 ‘win’. But a win is a win.
Okay, this blog is HUGE. I’m done.
Oh my gosh... David just said, "You never realize how funny your life is, until someone puts it in perspective for you."
I think I may stop sniffing bums...
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