Monday, October 10, 2005

As usual, more 'things'

Not a bad weekend with the Columbus Day holiday thrown in.

Put the smackdown and got smackdown on/by my friends during Heroclix at the comic store Friday & Saturday. I make a lot of goofy sounding teams just to get laughs. My two most recent teams are 'The Pimp and Ho' team and 'The 15 Will Get You 20' team. If you don't play the game, it uses heroes from Marvel and DC comics and you play against an opponent or two. It can be a lot of fun be we have a couple of folk that seem to just argue about the rules. So some guys I like to play, others I just sigh and hope for the best.

Did the inks on two pages for issue 3 of The Necropolis Chronicles. I like to think that they look pretty good overall and I'm usually a fairly harsh self-critic.

Today was spent mostly packing stuff for the move to the new house. Got about half my stuff packed. I'm running low on boxes already. Because of my D&D collection, I've got a TON of books. I'm going to recycle any doubles since I really don't play anymore and with all the rules changes most of the books aren't worth anything anyways.

My oldest brother must be quite upset at my troublemaking niece. He wrote her out of his will. At this time, if he suddenly passed (he's only 40-something) she would have gotten $200,000. That's what happens though, when she says shit to her father (our brother) like 'I never want to see you again' when he's done absolutely nothing wrong to her. It's kinda sad because she really is brainwashed by her mother - the same 'mother' that has written off her first child (no relation to us), pretty much her 3rd child (my nephew), her own blood relatives and her in-laws (us). Apparently her latest monthly sex partner is a woman. I guess since the divorce word from other people that are not family is that she's trying hard to have a lesbian relationship or at least is going 'bi'. The goofy thing is, she has convinced my niece that all of these people (at least 6 since the divorce) are just 'friends' but if my brother has ONE relationship he's this piece of pathetic trash and what-not.

And apparently the kids are under orders from their 'mother' not to talk to numerous people. Included on this list are my family and several counselors at the local boys -n- girls club and therapists. Fortunately my young nephew is too young to fully fall for this and starts talking if we engage him in conversation. It's the same with the counselors at the boys and girls club too.

If my fantasy football team has an average night tonight on Monday Night Football (4 players on my team play tonight) I should be able to beat my opponent that's playing against me and is currently ahead of me in points for this week. If I win my team will be 4-1 and should retain my #1 position in the rankings.



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