Thursday, September 08, 2005

black days

I can't believe I would ever say this, but I'm done with a family member. My 11 year old niece I'll call shithead. My goddaughter no less.

Shithead's mom is an incredible piece of work. She programs her daughter - my niece - to hate my family. Shithead's mom is my brother's ex. Shithead's mom asked for the divorce and finally received it from my brother. The court forced the kids on her after she had said she didn't want them.

Fast-forward about a year and a half. She suddenly decides she wants full custody of the kids. This, from a woman that had a hard childhood, gave up her first child to adoption after lying about the identity of the child's father, has disowned her mother, has nothing to do with her father or his new family that includes a half-sister and on and on and on. She doesn't care for the kids and only uses emotional abuse as a form of love. And my niece buys into it hook line and sinker after having a neglectful and abusive mother for the first 8 years of her life because she's finally involved and shown attention by her mother. It's gotten so bad that we have caught the ex telling my niece to do hundreds of dollars of damage to my brother's house, to tell him on Christmas morning to take his presents and shove them up his ass. It goes on and on. If the courts believe the accusations, my brother would be convicted of child molesting his daughter. Of course, nothing was EVER said on ANYTHING about this during their 10 year marriage. It all suddenly started just after the ex filed for full custody. She is now even saying my brother asked for the divorce. One of her reasons he couldn't take the marriage? - the fact that she worked at home doing dictations while he had to drive or bike to work. Are you fucking kidding me??!?!?!?!?!!??

In the meantime, shithead, under her mother's orders, has become a nasty, hateful person. She bullies and beats on her brother. Tells her father that her mother said she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to. Has been suspended from school for incidents involving teachers, has been nearly kicked out of the boys & girls club for misbehavior and disrepsecting others.

Everytime my brother has put her in therapy to try and curb the situation the mother has resisted having shithead go. The latest was a written note saying that she refuses to have her daughter go to therapy. This was after my brother caught my niece on the phone saying again and again 'I won't say anything, I promise!'.

My mother once read my niece's diary after shithead had left it out. Shithead was 10 at the time. The diary was filled with references and references about sex, sex and more sex. But the ex refuses to have shithead go to therapy. My brother was the one time and time again to have my niece GO so he is innocent of anything. If he were so nasty and perverted, why would he have shithead sent to therapy and he himself be in therapy since the divorce (as the court recoomended)?!?!?!?!

So far, every legal professional (except the ex's attorney) and every mental health professional has sided with my brother and said they would testify on his behalf if need be.

BUT! The ex is coniving. She has shithead so twisted that those same profeesionals have stated to my brother that he is being set up. When the sexual accusations went no where - including calls to DSS, now the child abuse accusations have started. It's to the point to where if shithead is misbehaving and my brother does ANYTHING that leaves a mark - even something like dragging shithead to her room, he could lose custody because of the laws in place. Nice. Even when shithead beats on her brother that's 5 years younger, he can't lift a finger to stop her physically. I say that in all seriousness.

So! To avoid problems, the legal people have told him to never be alone with his own daughter. Can you believe that? So he has to put her up at either my parents' house or my sister's house every night he has her.

So beyond saying that she hates him, calls him a loser, and tons of other insults she steals. A lot. Today I am $150 short because of my niece. She stole the money. I live with my parents as I await the closing of the house I'm buying. My parents are so poor that the government doesn't even bother to have them file taxes. Yet shithead steals from all of us. And says she hates us all when we aren't around.

So my brother's ex has succeeded in a year or less of convincing my niece that her extended family of 10 people (my brothers and sister, parents and my other niece and nephew) are all assholes and to hate us. And it's worked. And again, the ex has nothing to do with her own family also.

So there you have it. That's why I'm done with shithead. My brother - her father - is too. There is an incident literally every single day he has her. He will be signing over custody of shithead to her mother because if he doesn't, he could lose his son too because of the law. Legal avenues have been searched to avoid this but nothing has worked. We've spent over $4000+ trying to legally (not including therapy) to save this girl. Now she is going to get what she wants - to be with her mother. A neglectful and abusive woman that's used the system to win.

Now all we can do is hope, hope that my niece realizes the mistakes she's made and come back to a real loving family that holds birthdays and holiday feasts and helps one another out.

But in reality, we are bracing for what may likely happened: an abortion at age 14 just like her mother, high school drop out just like her mother, a teenaged mother with kids by multiple fathers just like her mother.

And worst of all, we are bracing for one if not more suicide attempts by my niece if she doesn't realize what a mess her mother is.

The future is not bright for my niece and it kills me despite all my current anger towards her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard Abba the other day and thought of you.

You're doing the only thing you can do under the circumstances.


4:54 AM  

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