Sunday, April 03, 2005

4th entry

Well,... seems the crew I was going to go with to the Big Apple Con cancelled out. So I'm sitting here at my computer rather than pushing The Necropolis Chronicles face to face which is how I most often succeed. Kinda sucks.

So, what's a typical day for me right now? I'll pick this past Friday.

Alarm goes off at 3:30 am. I stagger out of bed, shower and eat half a bowl of Frosted Shredded Wheat. I think it was a generic version of the cereal.

Hop into my car and head off to work leaving the house at 4:20 am. I'm usually fairly out of it, mostly on auto-pilot so I do things kinda slowly at this time of the morning.

The roads are generally dead at this time so I make good time. Later on in the day it can take upwards of 8 minutes to get through this one pain in the ass intersection. When the roads are empty I like to think I'm in the movie The Omega Man starring Charlton Heston. It was a sci-fi movie with him against sevral hundred maniac like folks. Everybody else in the world had died. Goofy, I know. I have no defense for this.

I crank along the Mass Pike averaging 70mph. Strangely, the music during this time is usually really cool on the road. Out of several stations I can almost always find a song playing that I really enjoy. I get sick of the talk shows that come on later on in the morning. I only have a radio in my car :(

Stumble into work for 5am to start a 10 hour work day. I work at Strathmore Papers. We make lots of pads for artists there. On occassion, we produce paper for Marvel comics. I do what's called 'trucking'. I move lots 'o stuff around. I average walking 5 miles a day and that's kind of a low estimate. When it gets busy I walk up to 9 miles a day. I used a pedometer (spelling?) to measure my weekly walking and it rang in over 40 miles for the week.

It's not uncommon for me to sleep through lunch to get rejuvenated since I sleep something like 5 to 5 and 1/2 hours a night when working 1st shift. I work a swing shift and start again on 2nd shift this next week. My main meal of the day when I work on 1st shift is at 9:45 am. I usually pound down a sandwich, a can of soda, and a snack pack of something like Cheez-It's to give me energy.

Left work at 3pm and headed to a bank to pick up a mortgage loan application. From there I went to my credit union to cash my check. Couldn't save any money this week for the comic :(

Got home a little after 4pm. I checked e-mail, the Bendis Board and the Image boards. I then had supper a little after 5pm. Took a nap for about 30 minutes soon after that. Called my friends to see where they were and joined them at the movie theater to see Sin City. I liked it. Didn't love it though. But in all fairness, I only like the first couple of comics before they seemed to get rather lame and conveluted.

While discussing the movie in the lobby, my looking to purchase my brother's place came up. A mutual friend is virtually already moved in. Seems my buddy Dwain let Chris know my brother's place has a loft I was considering renting out to easy my financial burden. I was a little shocked because I really don't know Chris outside of the fact that he plays Warhammer and hangs at the same comic store I do. I also haven't been approved for any kind of loan either although I fully expect to be. So we'll have to see what happens. I can afford the house on my own but Chris's cash could either be used to make extra payments on the house or go towards The Necropolis Chronicles.

So anyways, went back to my friend's place for about 45 minutes just hanging out and doing a whole lot of nothing. Got more details on why the crew wasn't going to the Big Apple Con and discussed that this (past) Saturday night wasn't good for a poker night.

I got home around 10:45pm and checked some internet stuff again before bed. Turned the lights out at 11:05pm after the pre-bed nightly rituals of brushing teeth and picking clothes for the next day. Set the alarm for 5:30am because I was working more OT on Saturday. Feel alseep listening to the rain hit the rooftop of my bedroom.

Other news:

Jenn and Jason have the first 2 pages fully inked and ready for lettering and grayscale for issue 2. I'm quite happy with the results. There's always a bit of anxiety on my part when two artists work with each for the first time because they are just getting to know each other and combining styles and such. Like I said, I'm quite happy with the results so far.

That's all!
Jim - Happy that 2 days of rain seemed to have stopped, especially since he works in a flood plain!


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