Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Work Strike!!!! Well, hopefully not.

Blog 100708

Still in a bit of a rattled moment. At work the union people bid on a new contract and rejected it. This outright scared me. It was a fairly decent contract but a couple of rabble rousers apparently got to enough people to vote it down. It lost by 2 votes. So we had a meeting at work to discuss about the rejection. Basically, we voted again today. I don’t know the results as I write this. If it was voted down again since it was the companies final offer a vote of ‘no’ is giving the okay to strike. There is a 2/3 of the workforce needed to vote no to actually strike from what I understand. It was explained that if we voted ‘no’ again we could continue working without a contract. I just hope the contract passed. I have some money in the bank but a strike would damage me financially beyond belief. I don’t think I’d recoup what I had lost even if the strike ended and I went back to work. The potential strike has stopped me from giving the $550 I was going to give to my parents for heating oil. I also put the kabosch on other things and plans too. Hopefully the ‘no’ people smartened up and voted ‘yes’. It doesn’t seem smart to me to vote down a contract when the whole world is on the verge of an economic slump. But with people you never know. And actually, if we strike, there could be a number of people putting their lives in jeopardy. All benefits stop immediately with a strike. A number of people that work at my company have been there 20 or 30 years. I know one family there that the husband has had open heart surgery and the wife constantly has serious medical problems resulting in something like 5 surgeries in 5 years. A strike might actually KILL them. Their daughter works there too and they all live in the same house with her kids all high school age. I couldn’t imagine trying to survive if they went on strike. I have no idea how they voted.

I have Columbus Day off as a paid holiday which is a nice treat. With any luck we’ll also get Saturday off instead of mandatory over-time. I’ve worked the last 4 Saturdays and while the money is helpful is does wear me down.

Sigh, the economy continues to suck. I hate to think of how much money my 401k’s and mutual funds investments have lost. Just another reason our potential strike has really shaken me.

My brother cleaned the house this past weekend. While he volunteered to do it, it’s not lost on me why he did this. A child services place called for an update and will probably visit. Its the first time he cleaned the house since,… the last time child services was coming to check in on things. Otherwise I do all the cleaning. At least the reviews he seems to get are decent from the services.

I finally got my first win in my buddy’s fantasy football league. My team is now 1-4. My team went to the SuperBowl last year and I lost because I gaffed on the final day. Starting off 0-4 really sucked. And to make it worse 4 of out my last 5 loses were by 1.2 points or less. That’s a single tackle. Oy!

Rockband 2 is awesome. I like the songs a little better in Rockband but now upwards of three of us play where it was often just me in Rockband.

I can’t help me, the more Sara Palin opens her mouth the less I like her. It just seems to keep getting more and more negative. I want to like her bad damn she’s making it tough. And the Republicans just seem to be liars and complete exaggerators. I’m an independent voter that has voted for both parties in the past but McCain and Palin are REALLY starting to turn me off to their party.

I’ve missed every Red Sox play-off game so far. That sucks! They’ve been good competitive games too! The Patriots on the other hand have me worried. I just don’t believe in Matt Cassel. I’ve never been impressed by him and don’t believe that he can lead the Patriots deep into the play-off’s. I see the Patriots winning 10 games and making the play-off’s but then getting bounced in the first or second round.

I’m really loving some comic books lately. Marvel’s 1985 is by far my favorite. Maybe because it goes back to when I first got into comics and makes me feel nostalgic or something. Whatever the case is each issue leaves me wanting more and wanting it now! A couple of comics leave me this way where I almost shiver in excitement. I love that feeling. I’ll end it here on a good note!


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